©AP신문(AP뉴스)/ 이미지 제공 = Pernod Ricard Korea
©AP신문(AP뉴스)/ 이미지 제공 = Pernod Ricard Korea

[AP신문 = 이주원 기자] Pernod Ricard Korea, the Korean unit of the Paris-based global wine and spirits company Pernod Ricard, announced that it joined Asia initiative with digital campaign for responsible drinking ‘#Make Memories, Not Hangovers’ in January reaching nearly 1 million people.    

The Korean campaign covering key cities in Korea was designed to raising awareness on binge drinking and promote a culture of responsible drinking to take root. It was simultaneously executed in five Asian countries (South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines). The campaign was made readily available to Millennials and Gen Z aged 19 and above through digital channels such as Instagram and Facebook. 

The digital campaign was composed of video and quizzes designed to help people understand binge drinking and related risks, explain practical ways to engage in responsible drinking, and test people’s knowledge on the information provided to help deliver an effective campaign message.    

The ‘#Make Memories, Not Hangovers’ Asia campaign proved a great success by reaching about 6.3 million consumers, 61% of the target population in the five countries and achieving about 1 million views in Korea. Further, the campaign was successful in educating young adults on the dangers of binge drinking and how to drink responsibly, with those exposed to the campaign messages demonstrating a knowledge lift when tested.

Alex Ryoo, HR & Corporate Affairs Director of Pernod Ricard Korea related, “Since it takes time for newly acquired knowledge to be put into practice, we plan to continue consumer campaigns that share accurate information on alcohol and ways to practice responsible drinking.”  

Pernod Ricard Group has been implementing a wide range of activities to promote responsible drinking around the world as part of its commitment to Sustainability and Responsibility. Starting with the campaign “Eat, Pause, and Hydrate” in 2021, guidelines for responsible drinking that anyone can easily practice, this time round the company raised young consumers’ awareness on the risks of binge drinking through its digital campaign #Make Memories, Not Hangovers.


CEO Frantz Hotton of Pernod Ricard Korea noted, “Pernod Ricard Group is striving to promote a responsible drinking culture by encouraging consumers to share safe and convivial moments with their loved ones by consuming our products responsibly. Pernod Ricard Korea will continue to conduct a variety of digital campaigns to help a create a solid culture of responsible drinking become in Korea.” 

세계적인 프랑스 주류기업 페르노리카코리아는 지난 1월 진행된 아시아 지역 책임음주 디지털 캠페인 ‘#유쾌한시간을기억하세요(#Make Memories, Not Hangovers)’에 동참해 약 100만명의 소비자들에게 성공적으로 책임음주 메시지를 전달했다고 밝혔다.

이번 디지털 캠페인은 한국의 주요 도시를 대상으로 폭음의 위험성을 알리고 책임음주를 실천할 수 있는 문화를 정착시키기 위해 기획됐다. 한국뿐 아니라, 일본, 홍콩, 대만, 필리핀 등 아시아 5개국에서 동시 진행되었으며 인스타그램, 페이스북 등의 디지털 채널을 활용해 만 19세 이상의 MZ세대가 일상 속에서 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 했다.

페르노리카 코리아는 영상과 퀴즈로 구성된 디지털 캠페인을 통해 ▲폭음의 기준과 위험성을 알리고 ▲실질적인 책임음주 실천방법과 ▲책임 음주와 관련된 퀴즈를 풀어볼 수 있도록 구성해 메시지 전달력을 높였다. 

‘#유쾌한시간을기억하세요’ 캠페인은 아시아 5개국 주요 도시에 거주하는 19세 이상 성인의 61%에 해당하는 약 630만명 이상의 아시아 소비자에게 도달해 성공적인 디지털 캠페인이었다는 평가를 받고 있다. 국내에서도 약 100만뷰 이상을 기록했으며, 캠페인을 시청한 국내 소비자들에게 폭음의 위험성과 어떻게 책임 음주를 실천할 수 있는지에 대한 지식을 고양시키는데 성공적이었다는 평가를 받고 있다. 

페르노리카코리아의 류화주 인사 & 대외협력 전무는 새롭게 알게된 지식을 행동으로 실천하기까지는 시간이 걸리는 만큼, “내년에도 소비자들에게 알코올에 대한 올바른 상식과 책임 음주 실천 방법을 알리는 소비자 캠페인을 지속적으로 진행할 예정이다”라고 밝혔다.  

페르노리카 그룹은 S&R(지속가능 책임경영)의 일환으로 전세계에서 책임음주 문화 정착을 위한 여러 활동을 펼치고 있다. 페르노리카 코리아는 지난 2021년 누구나 쉽게 일상에서 실천할 수 있는 책임음주 수칙인 ‘먹고, 쉬고, 수분충전(Eat, Pause, Hydrate)’하기 캠페인을 시작으로, 올해는 ‘#유쾌한시간을기억하세요(Make Memories, Not Hangovers)’를 통해 젊은 소비자층에게 과음의 위험성을 알렸다

페르노리카코리아 프란츠 호튼 대표는 “페르노리카 그룹은 소비자들이 우리의 제품을 보다 책임 있게 소비함으로써 소중한 사람들과 안전하고 유쾌한 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 책임있는 음주문화 정착을 위해 힘쓰고 있다”며, “앞으로도 페르노리카 코리아는 국내에 책임음주 문화 정착을 위해 다양한 디지털 캠페인을 이어나갈 예정”이라고 말했다. 

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